This page is NOT about the official public release. Zoom Search Engine V7 For Linux (Alpha)Zoom comprises of two parts: the indexer, and the search scripts. In V6 and earlier, you would use the Windows-based indexer to index your web site, then host the resulting search script (or CGI) and index files on your web server. With the upcoming V7 release, you can now run the indexer directly on your Linux web server (or a Mac) Note: If you are not sure if you need to use the Linux indexer, then chances are that you don't. If you have a Windows computer available, it is much easier to use the Windows indexer and upload to your web server. We would only advise more experienced Linux users to install and use the Linux indexer. This is an ALPHA release. V7 is still in development and we are testing for bugs and adding new features. We are interested in all feedback.
(Last updated: 13/Dec/2013) This alpha release will expire on 1/Feb/2014. A new release (beta or otherwise) will be available on this page before that date. Note that while the Indexer will expire, the search files generated will continue to work. How does it work?The Linux indexer comprises of a PHP front-end ("ZoomIndexer.php") to configure your .zcfg file, and start and monitor the indexing process. The core engine ("ZoomEngine") itself is a C/C++ compiled binary executable which performs the actual indexing. Unzip the installation file to a web shared folder (e.g. "/usr/www/") and follow the Readme.txt file for further installation instructions. Screenshots
SupportPlease use our forums if you have any questions, or to report any problems. We are still working on our documentation and Help files. However, the majority of the software should be directly comparable to the Windows version, and most instructions from the V6 Users Guide would apply so please check this first. Return to the main page to find out more about Zoom. |