Plugins for Zoom Search Engine V7Zoom supports the use of plugins to search and index various popular file formats. By installing these plugins, you will be able to search file types such as Word documents and Adobe Acrobat PDF files. Starting with V7, plugin support is available in all editions of Zoom (Free, Professional, or Enterprise). You no longer have to install plugins separately. Plugins for Zoom Search Engine V6
Complete plugins installer package for V6
Note that former V5 users need to reinstall the plugins with this package for them to be recognized by V6. This package will not work for V5.
Individual plugin download
For help on installing and enabling these indivdiual plug ins, please refer to the instructions below.
Installing a pluginYou can download and install all plug-ins in one go by using the "Complete plugins installer package" above. With this package, all you have to do is run the installer, and select the folder to install to (it should find the right one for you but if it does not, check the information below for the correct path). If you wish to only install the individual plugins you require, you can download the plugins one at a time from the list at the top of this page. The location of the plugin folder has changed in Zoom 6 (due to the need to be compatible with Vista/Win7 and Microsoft’s general avoidance to writing to the “Program Files” folder). On Vista and Windows 7, this would typically be the following (you may need to enable viewing of hidden directories to see it): On XP, it is usually something like this: When you have correctly installed the plugin, upon restarting the Indexer, you should see an additional initialization line in the log window (click on the “Log” tab): "Plugin for Office 2007 files found. DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX file support enabled." You can now add ".pptx", etc. to your file extensions list, and index your Office 2007 files. Once you have located this folder, you will need to unzip the ZIP file you've downloaded into the "plugins" sub-folder (allow it to overwrite files if prompted). You can then restart Zoom and the index log on the right should indicate if it has found the plugin and the supported file extension will now be enabled. You can now add the file extension to the Extensions list (see "Using the plugins" below) Note: The readme instructions within the ZIP files are not necessary to use them as plugins with Zoom. Using the pluginsOnce a plugin is installed, all you have to do is open the Configuration window, and add the file extension supported to the Extension List (under the "Scan options" tab). For example, ".doc" for Word document support. Click OK and start indexing. You may want to save this setting with your configuration. Upgrading a pluginAs new versions of the plugins become available on the website, simply copy them into the same "plugins" directory, overwriting the old plugin. Problems?If you have trouble with getting the plugins to work or to index a particular file, please refer to our support page for plugins. Shockwave Flash support (SWF plugin)The SWF plugin allows Zoom to not only search through the text found within a SWF file, but also find links to other pages for spider mode indexing. This means that once you install the SWF plugin, you will be able to spider index a site which is dependant on Flash-based navigation. You will also be able to index and search Macromedia's new printable document format: FlashPaper, in UTF-8 encoding. GPL and LGPL licensed source codeSource code for the GPL and LGPL open source modules can be found at the following sites, XPDF, xlhtml, wpd2text. We can also E-mail a copy of the source code to you if required should these sites disappear.