Example sites using Zoom

Here are a few sites which are using Zoom to provide search on their website. These links will open in a new window. If you would like to be added to this list, Contact Us.

Note that some of the following sites may be using an older version of Zoom than the latest available.

Zoom Search Engine Website
Search this website
Uses the latest version of Zoom to search this very website.
PassMark Software
Developers of benchmarking and reliability testing software
Uses the latest version of Zoom (PHP platform with categories enabled)
LocksOnline.com and LocksOnline.co.uk
Premier supplier of security products
A very high featured thumbnail search, allowing for searches across multiple domain names and multiple categories.
City of Welland
The official website for the City of Welland - Ontario, Canada.
Utilizing the Zoom search box at the top of every page, for results across hundreds of local government pages.
Creative Education
Creative Education provides the training, senior leaders and consultancy services that are raising standards in schools and colleges across the UK.
Features a search bar across the top of every page, with categorization by topic in the results.
Okino Computer Graphics has long been a primary pioneer, inventor and provider of high-end, mission critical 3D conversion software.
Features search box on top of each page, utilizing the indexer and CSS within Zoom.
Unique Cars & Parts
Information on classic cars and more
Features search box on top of each page for a large site using Zoom with PHP, plus icons in search results.
Time and Task Management Software
Using Zoom with PHP.