More testimonials (page 4 of 4)![]() "Thank you for the info, loving the search engine, my boss thinks I am the greatest thing since sliced bread right now. Great work on a very easy to use and very powerful product!" -- Shawn Scanlon, Solution Architect, HPM Networks "We are always impressed by the people at Wrensoft and your responsiveness. We believe it is among, if not THE, best software support we have ever encountered." -- Guy Zumpetta, TMW Systems "I just wanted to let you know that I bought the Pro version of Zoom Search yesterday right after our email exchange, and I am VERY pleased with it. This program is absolutely brilliant! I'm an assembly language programmer from way back, so I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. But I'm very busy these days and I know nothing of ASP code and CSS style sheets. Yet it took me only half an hour to index both of my sites, and create a customized Search page with customized results that match the fonts and styles of my sites. Zoom Search is drop-dead easy to understand, and the link within your sample search_results.html page directed me to the CSS explanation on your site. So I saw how to add a font name, and it all worked the first time. Thank you for an excellent product. This is definitely the best $99 I've spent in a very long time. " -- Ethan Winer, RealTraps "I really like how the software works, that's why it is easy to recommend. Actually, I had heard about it myself on Serif's forum. I was doing a site for a county fair and they have literally hundreds of different categories people can enter. I tried CoffeeCup and it just didn't measure up - missed stuff, added false hits - just not something that did a professional job. I downloaded your free version then upgraded to the paid one the same day." -- Mike Koewler "I've been using Zoom Search Indexer (free edition) for about a month now - just testing it and seeing if I can get it do everything which I need it to do. Today I purchased the Professional Edition, not only because I am using the software for commercial purposes and because I need to index more than 50 files - but also because it is the best search indexing software I've ever seen and because I respect Wrensoft for making a fully functional version freely available to smaller non-commercial sites. I could not be happier with my purchase! The configuration options are fantastic to say the least. Nearly every customization I have sought to implement has been readily available in the well-organized Configuration menus. Anything else has been simple enough to change by editing the .php files. I just cannot say enough about my experience with Wrensoft Zoom Search Indexer. Your willingness to make this software available for free to those who are not seeking to profit from it is outstanding. I will highly recommend this software to anyone I know looking to add search functionality to their site. Thanks Wrensoft! " -- Scott "What a great product Zoom Search engine is! After a short demo of the free version I purchased the Pro edition on behalf of our company and it is everything it said it was and more. Accurate, fast and easy to configure & customize." -- Mark Potter, Focus Publications Group "Zoom is GREAT! I can't say enough about it! Our company purchased another and it was a joke! I did some research found you guys and haven't looked back! Keep going - you guys are doing a fantastic job!" -- Eric Warner, Snap-tite "I just integrated a Wordpress blog into my existing Web site ( that has been using Zoom 4.2 since November. I thought I’d have to worry about spending a lot of time integrating the two search engines. But before activating the Wordpress search box, I went ahead and re-indexed Zoom just to see what would happen. Much to my delight, Zoom sees the blog posts and comments just fine. I have a bit of minor tweaking to do (ZOOMSTART/STOP), but I am thrilled with the results! THANKS for such an awesome and affordable product!" -- Betsy Kimak "Just some feedback - your product is phenomenal. I'm a graphic artist who knows about enough php to write include files (and that's it). I had your system integrated into my client's site and working the way I wanted it in less than an hour ... Never thought I'd be able to do that. Very nice stuff!" -- Patrick Sheehan, Crazy Fingers Design Group Inc. "You probably only hear when someone has a complaint, so here goes something different: Zoom Search: Great price, works nicely, easy to set up. Way to go!" -- Miguel Fra, Falcon IT Services "I would like to add that your software is the best search software out there. We went through so many different options of search tools from the net and we decided Zoom to be the Best of the Best! Hands down. Keep up the good work." -- Dexter J. Miranda, Driscoll Children's Hospital "Your level of support is outstanding, as is Zoom Search itself. " -- Brett M. Christensen (, "The product is superb. The new CSS classes are VERY useful (I was a 4.2 user). The recommended links is a triumph of usability. Incrememtal indexing is great. " -- Alan Tomkins, ATNET Limited "I don't know if you realize it or not, but your software will be very beneficial to Search Engine Optimization companies like mine because it tracks the searches people do on the website allowing me to determine what kind of content I need to add to the website. Most of the statistics packages that track results from search engines online like Google, only give you search phrases for keywords that can already be found on your website. That's why it's kind of neat to see what people are looking for once they actually get to your website. It's a BIG bonus!" -- Bruce McDermott, 7th Stream Marketing "I must say that I'm pretty amazed by the features supported in your product - it has been a very worthwhile investment for me - and now that I'm discovering features like the jump to search term within the target page (and highlighting it), this really looks and feels like an industrial strength search engine. Thanks again for a great product!" -- Steve Shulman, High Clarity Web Design "We’ve just upgraded to the latest version of ZoomSearch (4.2 -> 5.1 Enterprise) and I have to say I’m thoroughly impressed. For a non-database driven search facility, this rocks!" -- Justin Swan, Australia Zoo "We’ve just upgraded to the latest version of ZoomSearch (4.2 -> 5.1 Enterprise) and I have to say I’m thoroughly impressed. For a non-database driven search facility, this rocks!" -- Justin Swan, Australia Zoo "I can't beleive how easy it is to install and use Zoom Search. I'm not a techhie but I wanted a search engine for my web site Zoom search was the third that came up in my google search. I downloaded and installed the free version and it installed without error. From the FAQs I played around to put a search box on my primary pages and found that was pretty easy as well. I then decided to pay for the pro version as I wanted it to search the exif data on the photos on my site. I just can't believe how easy this all has been and how effective. I had initiated php earlier to add a formail script to my site so I 've been able to figure out some of the other elements like changing the search box colour and text colour etc. by looking at that code and copying it. I think this is a great tool at a fantastic price. I just cannot image how much my $99 investment has saved me." -- Richard Davis, RKND Productions "One of the reasons that I really liked your products is that it appears that you strive to be platform independent. As ASTI services companies worldwide, we cannot predict their particular software platform and must strive to meet each customer needs to be able to fully support our products. Having tested your software on multiple browsers on multiple platforms, it functions perfectly across the board. Nicely done!" -- Thomas Patko, Advanced Sensor Technologies, Inc. "have now tested Zoom on 120,000 pages: in brief: trouble-free, very good product - very happy with our purchase." -- Abraham Bensoussan "I have tried to include so many search facilities on websites over time. I’m so glad, that I by pure coincidence found ZoomEngine on the internet. This software is so easy to implement in a website, and best of all – easy to integrate in an existing design" -- Jann Guldhammer, Defeat Communication "Many thanks for the excellent product support, its not often a software company is prepared to give support that quickly on a one to one basis. Great product by the way!" -- Simon Young, "I am almost at a loss for words... This is outstanding responsiveness and service for an enhancement request!" -- Mark French, Iowa Workforce Development "Wow! I have used a lot of website building scripts, but Zoom is the most professional and complete product I've seen. I implemented the PHP script version with great success at Love it! Thanks." -- Bruce Newburger, Dynamics Online, Inc. "Finally, a well put together software package that is feature packed and works right out of the box! I seldom find a piece of software that I don’t immediately come up with a “what I would do better” list for. The ZOOM search engine is one of those great products. The entire thing was simple to install with a basic working version up in about 15 minutes. It took me an additional 5 hours to get my template perfected but that’s when I learned about all the powerful features. Every time I wanted something customized, the feature was already there for me to do it. The few times I couldn’t find a feature, I looked in your well put together manual and found my answer within minutes. The search results come back relevant and in a timely manner. This is worth so much more than you charge for it. Thanks!" -- Adit Reddy, "I have been using your search software and I have found it to be the easiest, most user friendly search indexer in the market today. I have noticed that there is a section of your website for example sites, and I was wondering if there was room for one more. Our site,, has been running for several years now, but we recently starting using Zoom Search, not only has it become more user friendly, but our rankings on google and yahoo have gone up. We here thing it is because of your sitemap creator function or because more people are using our site because they can find what they need quickly." -- Daniel Peterman, Antenna Systems & Solutions "We've been after something as good as this for quite some time. Thanks for a damn fine product." -- Brent Williamz, Global Village Promotions "Ok, I have been on the fence for several months and decided to get your product after testing your newest version...which by the way rocks!!! I hope you guys are rich because you deserve it. You have no idea how good it feels being a small business to be able to afford your prices with such an exellent product. Keep the price stable and you guys will change lives of people around the world. Also, I have checked hundreds of post in your forum and even when people are being a guys are always respectful and provide great service...GREAT JOB!!!! We do notice...being new customers and all." -- John Goddeau, Sell It All Online LLC "Thanks loads for your help and attention - your company is the most responsive software company I've ever dealt with (and I work for one, too!)! You make this part of my job very easy......" -- Jennifer Gaffan, Siemens PLM "... you guys are the best in support for the software ... Thanks once again Wrensoft, you guys have a great team." -- Garvin W Lawrence, Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court Click here to return to reviews and testimonials... or return to the main page to find out more about Zoom. |