About Zoom CGI Search Engine
This is a native C/C++ binary which provides the fastest and most efficient method of searching available, as it is a standalone searching component, without any of the overhead of interpretive scripting such as PHP, ASP or JavaScript. This option is ideal for any Apache or IIS web server running on Windows, Linux or BSD (and now Sun Sparc). You must also have CGI executable permissions on the web server. Zoom is an easy to use, self-contained solution, that provides efficient and powerful searching features with:
If you do not have CGI executable permissions on your server, check if you can run the PHP or ASP options. If you are considering an offline solution (such as searching on a CD-ROM), you can still use Zoom with the JavaScript option. There are also alternative methods to run the CGI version on a CD or DVD without a web server. System Requirements for Zoom CGI search engineTo index your website, you will require a computer that is
To host and offer online searching using CGI, you will need:
Other platform options supportedZoom can also search on the following platforms, at the click of a button:
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